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Feelings Aug 12, 2024

8 minute read...

We associate the phrase “thinking clearly“ with using our brains to “think logically”. 

Or in other words: intentionally assessing a situation to unearth what’s real and what isn’t, gaining clarity on the causes and effects, surfacing...

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The Legacy of an Assumption Hacker Jul 02, 2024

6 minute read...

This year marks Jenrada’s 5th as a company. 

When it was time to give my new company a name, I was told that it should incorporate my target market and the business’s function. Names like “Scheinkopf Consulting” and “Scheinkopf TOC...

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Because, awareness. May 26, 2024

6 minute read...

A friend was telling me the other day that every quarter, all the staff in the not-for-profit company she works for are required to change their email signatures. They’re supposed to do this in order to incorporate the latest messaging designed by the marketing...

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Did you follow the recipe? Mar 11, 2024

3 minute read...

I recently worked with a client who has a sales process that runs like a well oiled machine. Or at least, it did. 

They had spent years and years developing and honing their approach such that the results had become fairly predictable. They knew if they did A then B then C...

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Consumption Assumption Feb 16, 2024

3.5 minute read...

Thanks to all for your patience as I focused on releasing Assumption Hacking Essentials. It was gratifying to get it completed, and even more gratifying to receive the positive feedback that I have so far! 

And now, welcome to today’s Assumption Hacker’s...

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The Power of a Goal Dec 31, 2023

5 minute read...

As it is for many people, closing out the year is a special reflection time for me. It’s both a time to look back and to look ahead.  And so as 2023 comes to a close, I want to share with you a couple things I’m reflecting on.

My reflections largely revolve...

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Proxies Dec 01, 2023

3.5 minute read...

One of the challenging things about assumptions is that they’re really hard to identify.

After all, if you knew you held an assumption that wasn’t true, you’d stop holding that assumption.

But of course, it’s not that simple. People go years and years...

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The Basis of TOC Excellence: Your Assumptions Nov 10, 2023

5 minute read...

A good portion of Jenrada’s audience is TOC practitioners. Which makes sense. That's where I've spent much of my career. In fact, I chose to focus on assumption hacking largely because of my experience with TOC and the many years of guidance received directly from Dr. Eli...

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Vicious Cycle Oct 21, 2023

7 minute read...

Warning: today’s newsletter may be triggering. 

I said I was going to “get back to business” at the conclusion of my last newsletter. But what happened on October 7th shook me to the core. Nothing I could write about Assumption Hacking or Theory of...

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How To Lose 150k In a Single Day. Oct 04, 2023

5 minute read...

A while back, I read a story about a young writer and former stock trader named Jack Raines. 

His story took place in the crazy wild-west days of 2019-2021. I’m sure you saw a few news stories from the period: the price of Gamestop stock randomly increasing 30...

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My 24 Hours at Burning Man Sep 09, 2023

4 minute read...

These past two weeks, we were supposed to be at Burning Man.

On August 24th, we arrived on site and were well into the process of setting up. 

And then the symptoms started. 

A bit of dizziness, a bit of nausea, a bit of a headache. What could the cause be? First...

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Take a Break Aug 23, 2023

2.5 minute read...

As I write this newsletter to you, I’m getting ready for my annual trip to Burning Man

If you haven’t heard of it, Burning Man is a week-long event that takes place in the Black Rock desert of Nevada. And in this desert, every year, participants erect what is...

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