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a 5 minute read...
A friend asked me the other day if I’d be willing to share some insights with a group of CEOs. But this wasn’t your typical business group. Instead these CEOs had gathered themselves together for the express purpose of de-stressing.
“Hmmm”, I wondered aloud, “what about assumpti...
A 5-minute read today...
What is more important: being successful or being happy?
This is the question I read in a recent New York Times article that the Zen master ThĂch Nhất Hạnh posed to Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff.
Benioff’s reply to the monk was “both”. A discussion apparently ensued in whic...
A 4 minute read...
In last week’s Assumption Hacker's Advantage, I described the I KNOW! mindset. I talked about how it hinders our ability to improve the things we care about improving.
This week, I want to share some tell-tale signs with you, for when you’re smack dab in the middle of it. I also...
A 3-minute read...
We all want things to get better. Whether it’s our company, our relationships, our community, ourselves – we want something to be better.Â
Some of the things we want to get better are easy to make better. And some of the things we want to get better are really tough.
I’ve continued to reflect on our March 1st Live with JonahLisa that featured the young, inspirational change-maker Fynn Harrison. People joined from the US, Scotland, Colombia, Bulgaria, UK, and India. It’s safe to say that all of us were simply blown away by this young man’s poise, knowledge and pa...
I met Dr. Eli Goldratt, the inventor of TOC (Theory of Constraints, subject of next week's issue), back in the late 80’s and was blessed to have him as my mentor from then until his untimely death in 2011.   My career in TOC consulting and educating was dedicated to helping organizations improve t...