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"You are not a statistic." Aug 04, 2023

5 minute read... 

When was the last time you realized that a long-held assumption you made was invalid?

Today, I’m going to share a doozy. 


The natural order of things.

You’re born, you grow up, you get married, you have kids, they grow up, perhaps they produce...

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Assumption Hacking Sustainability Jul 14, 2023

4.5 minute read... 

A country’s level of economic development is popularly assumed to be the same thing as its standard of living. For example, GDP growth (or decline) is a widely used indicator of whether or not that country is going in the right direction.

Because of this, it’s...

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Mindset Traps Jun 23, 2023

4.5 minute read...

When I teach assumption hacking, I find it’s as much about getting learners to *stop* certain behaviors as it is about getting them to learn new ones. As I wrote about last week, humans are hardwired to make assumptions. And once an assumption is made, the default...

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Simple as ABC? Jun 09, 2023
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Don't Let The Important Become Urgent May 17, 2023
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Love Your People Apr 22, 2023
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When The Cost Isn't The Cost Apr 12, 2023
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When Revenues Aren't Revenues Apr 07, 2023
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Unplugged in Sedona Mar 30, 2023

4 minute read... 

When my husband and I take a long road trip, the typical scenario is that I bring my laptop and get some work done while he drives.

Last week, I changed things up.

Despite 2.5 hours in the passenger seat and the many things that needed to get done, I decided to leave my...

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Assumption Hacking Your Stress Mar 27, 2023

a 5 minute read...

A friend asked me the other day if I’d be willing to share some insights with a group of CEOs. But this wasn’t your typical business group. Instead these CEOs had gathered themselves together for the express purpose of de-stressing.

“Hmmm”, I wondered...

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Layoffs: Testing Our Assumptions Feb 21, 2023

A 5-minute read today...

What is more important: being successful or being happy?

This is the question I read in a recent New York Times article that the Zen master Thích Nhất Hạnh posed to Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff.

Benioff’s reply to the monk was “both”. A discussion...

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Telltale Signs - Catch Yourself in I KNOW! Mode Feb 14, 2023

A 4 minute read...

In last week’s Assumption Hacker's Advantage, I described the I KNOW! mindset. I talked about how it hinders our ability to improve the things we care about improving.

This week, I want to share some tell-tale signs with you, for when you’re smack dab in the...

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